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FedEx Office Travel and Business Expense
Policy Status: Active
Supersedes: May, 2012
Policy Owner: Managing Director of Corporate Communications and Events
Date Last Updated: January 19, 2015
1.0 Purpose
The FedEx Office (FXO) Travel and Business Expense policy is designed to establish
standards for:
Travel expenses
Business expenses
2.0 Background
Global Travel:
FedEx Office travel vendor responsible for providing travel-related and travel
booking assistance
Global Travel’s online tool
A stay is defined as the entire visit. For example, both a one-day stay and a five-
day consecutive stay are considered a stay. Reimbursement is handled through
normal expense report submission procedures, provided a brief description of the
circumstances is included.
3.0 Policy
Any Team Member that does not adhere to this policy falsifies a report or attempts to
obtain reimbursement for expenses not in compliance with this policy may be subject to
disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
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3.1 Travel and Business Expense Policy
The policy provides guidelines for all Team Members. FedEx Office will
reimburse authorized Team Members for necessary and reasonable expenses
incurred in the course of traveling or conducting company business. Team
Members are expected to:
Act appropriately, ethically and professionally at all times in handling the
resources of the company.
Be conservative when spending money or using resources in connection
with travel and business expenses undertaken for the benefit of the
Be responsible for ensuring all company-related expenses comply with
this policy.
Comply with all company policies when traveling or incurring business
expenses on behalf of the company, including the FedEx Office
Standards of Conduct and FedEx Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.
Use the American Express/One card for all company-related travel and
business expenses.
Book travel in advance and in such a manner to allow for the lowest
Book all travel through Global Travel using the online tool Cliqbook when
Ensure all receipts $10 or more are submitted through fax or efax with
the barcode page for each expense report.
Failure to submit a required receipt will delay the processing of an
expense report for reimbursement.
3.1.1 Expense Reporting and Approval Process
All travel-related and business expenses should be submitted on a
weekly or per-trip basis. The following guidelines and requirements will
apply to all expense reports:
Expense reports will be directed to the Team Member’s
approving manager and may be escalated to the Team
Member’s department Vice President (VP) or Senior Vice
President (SVP) and above.
Team Member expenses marked as non-reimbursable (see p. 19
for a list) are the responsibility of the Team Member; the Team
Member is required to pay American Express directly, within 30
days, and the expense must be marked as such in the
PeopleSoft Travel & Expense System.
FXO reserves the right to seek reimbursement from Team
Members for any expenses that are inappropriate and should not
have been reimbursed.
Expense reports, including those in compliance, are subject to
audit by corporate management at any time.
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Retention of all expense receipts (including all receipts under
$10) should be maintained by the Team Member for 12 months
and are subject to review if random audits occur or if the
expense receipts are requested by the Team Member’s
3.1.2 Exceptions
Exceptions to this policy that are less than $10,000 must be
approved by the Team Member’s department MD.
Exceptions that are greater than $10,000 must be approved by
the Team Member’s department VP.
3.2 Travel Arrangements and Expenses
All business travel including en route changes, airline tickets, rail tickets, hotels
and rental cars are required to be booked through FXO’s authorized travel
agency, Global Travel, and/or its online tool, Cliqbook.
Traveler safety and security is of the utmost importance to FedEx Office.
Reservations made through Global Travel generate an itinerary for each traveler
and allow FedEx Office to locate the Team Member in the event of an
3.2.1 Reservation Process
Global Travel: 1-901-375-6000
Before booking travel, Team Members must have a TravelNet profile.
3.2.2 Travel Net
Team Members must have a TravelNet profile before booking any travel
on Cliqbook or with Global Travel. Instructions for creating a TravelNet
Profile are found on FedEx One, keyword: TravelNet.
3.2.3 Booking Fees
All bookings are subject to fees. Team Members are encouraged to book
their entire trip (e.g., flight, car and hotel) all at one time to limit the
number of fees incurred.
Calling Global Travel directly involves fees and is only encouraged for
international bookings. For domestic travel or routine travel
arrangements, Team Members are encouraged to utilize Cliqbook.
3.2.4 Emergency/En Route Changes
All en route changes should be made directly through Global Travel.
Changes to airline tickets en route, (e.g., changing to an earlier flight) are
allowed if it is going to save the company money by reducing additional
travel expenses.
Stand-by is preferred to avoid incurring additional charges.
If change fees are incurred, they should be justified.
3.2.5 Travelers with Disabilities
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Team Members who have physical disabilities should notify Global
Travel during the reservation process of the need for assistance with
their reservations or of the need for other required accommodations.
Global Travel will research and verify that suppliers provide requested or
necessary services, access and any necessary equipment.
3.3 Air Travel
All Team Members are expected to use the e-ticket option.
3.3.1 Domestic Airline Tickets
Team Members should make every attempt to book travel at
least 14 days in advance to maximize company savings.
In most cases, non-refundable tickets are significantly cheaper
than refundable tickets but require a 14-day advance booking.
Any fees associated with tickets changed, exchanged, canceled
or refunded will be charged to the Team Member’s American
Express/One card.
3.3.2 Connecting Flights
Team Members are expected to book flights with one connection
per trip if that is the least expensive option. For Example, Team
Members should accept a connecting flight when the savings
exceed $150 and the connection does not cause a delay of more
than two hours travel time.
Domestic, International Class of Service and Upgrades
The lowest logical coach airfare is to be used when traveling on
company business. Global Travel will recommend the best
schedule corresponding to the lowest airfare.
Vice Presidents and above may fly first class.
Team Members who are pre-certified may fly first class if their
physical size or physician approved health condition (e.g., recent
surgery) prohibits use of coach class service. Requests for such
certification must be approved by their VP or higher level
management and submitted to Global Travel before a flight can
be booked in a higher class of service.
Team Members may upgrade to first class by personally paying
the cost of the upgrade (i.e., difference between first class and
the best available coach or, when appropriate, business class).
The difference is calculated by Global Travel. Payment must be
made by the team member at the time of ticketing.
Team Members ineligible for first class who are traveling with an
eligible team member cannot upgrade to first class to conduct
an inflight meeting, discuss business, or for any reason other
than the above.
Business class may be used for international travel, if actual
flying time is more than 6 hours, not including connections or
layovers. BCD Travel will review specific international
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requirements regarding the need for passports, visas, tourist
cards, inoculations, special documentation and type of currency
required with team members at the time of booking.
3.3.4 Cancellations
Team Members should notify Global Travel as soon as possible
if they need to cancel an airline ticket. The unused ticket will be
applied to the Team Member’s next flight or otherwise used in
the most cost-effective manner. If tickets have not been
rebooked within 30 days of the ticket expiring, the credit will be
used at the discretion of the company.
3.3.5 Seat Changes
Fees charged by airlines for seat changes within the same class
of service, such as selecting an aisle or exit row seat, are
Team Members will not be reimbursed for fees charged for
upgrades to a higher class of service or for segment upgrades.
3.3.6 Baggage Fees
Fees for up to two regular size bags.
Check with the airline prior to departure for baggage size and
weight restrictions.
FedEx Office does not cover the loss of personal items. If a
Team Member’s luggage is lost, basic necessities will be
reimbursed as an exception.
3.4 Lodging
FedEx Corporation has a discounted corporate rate structure in all major cities in
the U.S. and abroad. Team Members are required to utilize these preferred
hotels and Cliqbook has the most up-to-date list of preferred hotels. When a
preferred hotel is not available or within a 5 mile radius to the traveler’s meeting
location, Global Travel will secure a room at a non-preferred hotel. For any travel
booked outside of Global Travel, supporting documentation (e.g., invoice) must
be attached along with an explanation as to why BCD was not used. A VP or
higher level approval is required for reimbursement.
3.4.1 Rooms
All Team Members are eligible for single rooms when traveling for
Team Members will be reimbursed for hotel reservations booked outside
of Global Travel only when attending a convention or meeting that has
designated hotels. Team Members should not book lodging if hotels are
75 miles or less from their personal residence. If a company-sponsored
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meeting is located more than 75 miles from a Team Member’s normal
workplace, an overnight stay is allowed. Any exceptions should be
approved by their VP.
3.4.3 Hotel Cancellations
Hotel no-show or early check-out expenses are an unnecessary expense
and subject to review.
Hotel cancelation fee must have a business reason
Failure to cancel a reservation in a timely manner may be a cost
incurred by the Team Member
3.4.4 Lodging in Private Residence
Team Members staying in a private residence with family or friends while
traveling on business may compensate the host with a nonmonetary gift
not to exceed $75 in value per stay. No cash, personal checks, gift
cards, money orders or any other form of money.
A brief description of gift will need to be included with the receipt.
3.5 Transportation
Always use the least expensive form of ground transportation available (e.g.,
personal vehicle, hotel courtesy van, public transportation, bus or taxi).
3.5.1 Rental Car
The use of rental cars should be justified based on a business need and
when it is economically less expensive than the local ground
transportation alternative, taking safety and travel time into
Personal convenience is not an acceptable justification.
Most hotels offer free airport shuttle transfers.
Team Members on the same trip should coordinate
arrangements with other Team Members to maximize use of the
rental car.
Retain original itemized rental agreement.
3.5.2 Rental Car Reservations
Reservations must be made through Global Travel. FXO has a corporate
account with Hertz, Enterprise and National.
Team Members are required to utilize these suppliers.
If unavailable, Global Travel will find a rental car agency and
approve the exception.
3.5.3 Rental Car Size
FedEx Office policy is to rent a mid-size car.
Full-size vehicles including SUVs and mini vans are available for:
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Multiple travelers sharing a single car for the entire trip.
Team Members responsible for transporting non-FedEx Team
Members during the trip.
Other changes in car classes should be detailed in PeopleSoft Travel &
Expense System including business need for the request.
3.5.4 Rental Car Refueling
Team Members should return the rental cars with a full tank of regular
unleaded gas.
The Fuel Service Option or Prepay Fuel Option should not be
Expenses incurred for not refueling must be approved in writing
by the Team Member’s MD and the approval from the MD must
be attached to the report along with the receipt.
3.5.5 Rental Car Accident Reporting and Theft
Team Members involved in an accident with a rental vehicle should
contact the Accident Reporting Center at 800.322.5600.
In the event of a serious/catastrophic accident, the Supervisor must also
contact Risk Management at 1-214-830-4299 immediately
Risk Management will work directly with the rental car company
on any property damage.
If Team Member is injured, the Supervisor should file a Workers’
Compensation claim on his/her behalf at the time the collision is
reported to 800-322-5600.
3.5.6 Moving Violations and Parking Laws
It is the responsibility of each Team Member driving for company
business to obey all traffic and parking laws and regulations and wear
seat belts for personal safety.
The driver must report all tickets to management within 24 hours after
receiving the ticket.
3.5.7 Train Travel
Call Global Travel directly or email to book all rail
3.5.8 Taxis and Private Car Service
The use of taxis or private car service versus rental cars should be
justified on an economical basis and not as a matter of personal
Private car service in major metropolitan cities may provide a
more cost efficient alternative to taxis or rental cars.
Retain receipts (including tips) for taxi and car service.
3.6 Meals
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This policy applies to regular meals for individual traveling Team Members. FXO
will reimburse Team Members for actual reasonable meal expenses incurred
while traveling on company business (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). It is
prohibited to submit alcoholic beverage charges only for reimbursement.
Alcoholic beverage expenses are only reimbursable if they are included as part
of a meal expense and are subject to review.
3.6.1 Domestic Travel Meals
Reimbursement of domestic meals is $50 ($75 for high cost cities) per
full day including tips (approved exceptions will be made for geographic
location variances).
Meals should be within reasonable limits.
Meal expenses must be approved by the approving manager.
Team members traveling together should pay individually for
their meals. When this is not practical, the senior ranking Team
Member based on job grade is expected to pay for the group.
High Cost Cities:
Alaska: Anchorage and Fairbanks
California: San Francisco
District of Columbia (surrounding area)
Hawaii: Honolulu
New York: New York City (surrounding area)
Washington: Seattle
Canada: Toronto and Vancouver
3.6.2 International Travel Meals
Reimbursement guidelines for international meals vary by country and
the following should be followed:
Meals should be within reasonable limits.
Meal expenses must be approved by the approving manager.
Team members traveling together should pay individually for
their meals. When this is not practical, the senior ranking Team
Member based on job grade is expected to pay for the group.
3.7 Business Expenses
The policy provides guidelines related to business expenses for all Team
3.7.1 Personal Vehicles and Mileage
Team Members who regularly use their personal vehicles for company
use (e.g., Field Operations, HR, Sales and Security), must review and
adhere to the requirements within the Vehicle Safety Policy located in the
Center Safety Program Guide.
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Team Members must have a current, signed Vehicle Safety
Policy and a copy of a valid driver’s license and insurance on file.
Team Members granted a car allowance who are claiming
mileage above the 1,200 mileage threshold in a single calendar
month are responsible for documenting all mileage and 1,200
miles must be subtracted from the overall mileage driven and
then any excess mileage will be reimbursed at the current IRS
allowable rate.
Reimbursement for mileage to company-sponsored events
needs to be approved by the approving manager.
3.7.2 Personal Mileage Team Members Utilizing a Home Office
For Team Members that office out of their homes or have no office in a
FedEx Office location, the nearest center to their coverage/territory is
designated their “home center” for mileage purposes.
Field Technology Specialists will be assigned a home center by their
respective manager.
3.7.3 Personal Mileage Reimbursement Process
Team Members are required to submit supporting documentation for
business mileage reimbursement using Personal Car Mileage (PCM)
available in the Quick links section on FedEx One.
Business mileage should be reported at least monthly (recommended
weekly) through PeopleSoft Travel & Expense System with the following
A Mileage Log is required to be included in the receipt
submission that is faxed or efaxed behind the Expense Barcode
Page. Each location traveled to should have a separate line
entry to include origin address and destination address along
with a description of the business travel.
Team Members cannot claim gasoline charges when using their
personal vehicles for company business.
EXCEPTION to Mileage Reimbursement:
The Company prefers Team Members to travel via airlines instead of
driving for out-of-town meetings. If there are multiple Team Members
from one district traveling together by car and the overall combined
expense for all is less expensive than the cost of travel via airlines,
approval may be given by the approving manager. Only one Team
Member is allowed to apply for mileage reimbursement.
3.7.4 Non-travel Local Meals
Local meal expenses incurred by Team Members cannot be expensed
unless it is directly related to the active conduct of business (e.g.,
meeting through lunch for business purposes only).
Local meals should be a rare exception and need to be approved by
approving manager prior to the meal taking place.
3.7.5 Home Office Expenses
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Home office expenses should not be set-up as recurring charges on the
Amex/One Card.
The following items are reimbursable for Team Members working out of
a home office and who do not have an office at a center location:
Internet Service Provider (ISP) fees with approval from the
approving manager. The maximum allowable reimbursable
amount is $50 per month.
Team members who submit more than one ISP may be subject
to further review.
Reasonable expenses for office supplies such as printer ink,
paper, pens, stamps, tape, staples and batteries for wireless
External encrypted hard drives.
3.7.6 Business Use of Home Phone
Business calls made on a personal phone will be reimbursed provided
the calls are itemized and accompanied by the original telephone bill.
3.7.7 Company Cell Phone
Company cell phones are provided to certain Team Members who need
them to perform their jobs and are intended for business use only.
For additional information, contact FedEx Office
Telecommunications at
Personal calls should be limited.
Fifteen minutes of personal phone calls per business trip per
A complete copy of the Wireless Devices and Services Policy,
including eligible Team Members and approval process, is
located on FedEx One in the Document Center under Policies
and Procedures.
3.7.8 Personal Cell Phone Use for Business Reasons in an Emergency
When a Team Member has had to use their personal cell phone
for business reasons, an itemized statement from the cellular
phone service provider must be submitted with business calls
Reimbursement will be made based on charges, for emergency
business related calls, above and beyond the normal plan
allotment of minutes.
3.7.9 Wireless Data Service
Approval from the department VP or SVP or above is required to
purchase and subscribe to a Sprint Connection Card, Good Link e-mail
or services.
3.7.10 Relocation Expenses
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Relocations are processed through an outsourced company. Team
Members should contact their Human Resources representative for
questions regarding relocation.
3.7.11 End of Tenure
Arrangements must be made to submit all final expenses prior to final
day of employment.
Upon end of tenure or termination of employment, the following
equipment must be returned unless other arrangements are made with
FXO Telecommunications and approval is received from the SVP of
Human Resources:
Cell phone, cell phone number, PDAs, smart devices and all
Wireless data cards and devices
Hard drives and all other company owned equipment
Company credit cards
3.7.12 Team Member Relations
The Team Member relations budget provides funding for morale-
boosting activities that recognize achievements for the following major
life events:
Birth/adoption of a child
College/graduate degree
3.7.13 Team Member Relations - Reimbursement Process
Managers are responsible for maintaining spending within their allowable
budget which is determined at the beginning of the fiscal year
Gifts for major life events are limited to $75 in value.
Requests for reimbursement must specify the Team Member
and major life event.
Cash [(currency, coin and cash equivalent (e.g., gift
cards/certificates)] awards are strictly prohibited.
Detailed information about approved rewards and recognition
programs can be found in the Rewards and Recognition Policy
located on FedEx One in the Document Center under Policies
and Procedures/Human Resources.
3.7.14 Flowers
Flowers may be given to Team Members in certain circumstances, (e.g.,
in medical or sympathy circumstances), with the supervisor’s approval.
Expense is limited to $75 in value and will be charged to the center or
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3.7.15 Subscriptions/ Memberships or Registration Fees to Professional
Organizations, Trade Associations and Seminars
FedEx Office provides a limited number of appropriate newspapers,
magazines and trade periodicals to departments where such information
is relevant to the company’s business.
Publications should be shared within the department.
All subscriptions and payments for dues and fees require prior
approval from approving manager.
o When payment is approved, all fees are paid directly to
the organization.
3.7.16 Community Giving
FedEx Office offers many company-sponsored opportunities for Team
Members to support their communities.
Any contributions not approved by the FedEx Office Communications
department are made at the will of the Team Member and not on behalf
of the company.
Visit for instructions on how to submit a request.
Team members also have the ability to submit donation requests for
charitable and non-profit organizations in which they are personally
involved. For more information, go to FedEx One and search using
keywords: Charitable Contributions.
3.7.17 Postage and Shipping
In-house facilities must be used for all postage and shipping of business
material regardless of whether the receiver provided pre-paid shipping
Team Members must use the FXO corporate account number
when shipping FedEx Express, FedEx Ground or FedEx Freight
for business use.
Shipping expenses are automatically coded to the Team
Member’s cost center.
Use of FXO corporate account for personal use is prohibited.
3.8 Loyalty Programs
3.8.1 Hotel Frequent Guest Programs
Participation in these programs should not influence hotel selection.
Team Members may retain awards earned for their room only.
When booking hotel rooms for multiple people, Team Members
may only earn rewards for their room.
Meeting planner points or reward points must be allocated to a
company account.
Contact the Events team for additional information at
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3.8.2 Paid Loyalty Clubs
Airline club memberships/dues for VPs and above will be purchased;
approval of department SVP and above for Team Members
3.8.3 Non-paid Loyalty Clubs
Team Members may retain frequent flyer program benefits.
Frequent flyer awards are not tracked or monitored by FXO.
If these incentives are used for company business, they will not
be reimbursed to the Team Member.
3.8.4 Rental Car Memberships
Such memberships are strongly encouraged and offered at no cost.
Participation in these programs should not influence car selection.
3.9 Insurance
3.9.1 Car
The following procedures must be followed:
Decline collision and medical insurance coverage, and notify
rental agent that FedEx assumes responsibility for any damage.
Do not use the rental agency if it does not allow insurance to be
Decline satellite radio and frequent flyer miles since these
expenses will not be reimbursed unless approved by a MD level
or higher.
Team Members are reimbursed for rental car insurance when the car
is used outside the US and Canada. This includes Puerto Rico.
3.9.2 Personal Car Usage Insurance
A Team Member’s personal auto policy provides primary coverage for
their vehicle.
3.9.3 Other
Expenses for additional airline valuation insurance for company material,
equipment or other property should not be obtained. FedEx Office carries
sufficient insurance for these items when traveling.
3.10 Miscellaneous Expenses
3.10.1 Personal Travel with Business Travel
Many Team Members elect to combine personal travel with approved
business travel.
FXO pays the airfare of the least expensive routing for the
business trip as if no personal travel were included.
Any additional cost, including change fees for personal reasons,
is the responsibility of the Team Member.
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3.10.2 Dependent Travel
Travel expenses for family or significant others are the responsibility of
the Team Member and will not be reimbursed by the company, unless
communicated in advance for a company-sponsored event.
3.10.3 Business Guests/Suppliers
Air travel expenses for a business guest or supplier traveling
accompanied or unaccompanied by a Team Member will not be paid in
advance by FXO.
If the business guest is a supplier, consultant or distributor whose
expenses are to be reimbursed, an invoice must be sent to FedEx Office
and will be paid in the normal manner by the Disbursements department.
3.10.4 Internet Access
In-flight internet service fees and hotel internet fees are reimbursable only
when used for business purposes. Monthly and yearly subscription fees
must be approved by the department MD prior to registration
3.10.5 Airport Parking
The least expensive parking option should be selected when parking a
personal vehicle at an airport when traveling for company business.
Off-airport parking facilities should be considered first.
When off-airport parking is impractical or unavailable, long-term
airport parking may be used.
Valet parking at the airport is approved for VP and above.
Airport shuttle service (i.e., Super Shuttle) or taxis may be a
more economical option than airport parking for business trips
longer than four days.
Team Members can use a car service when it is a more
affordable option. This option is always approved for VP and
3.10.6 Parking and Tolls
Parking and tolls are reimbursable when they are incurred as a result of
conducting business and not for a normal commute.
Expenses must be submitted for reimbursement on a per trip basis.
3.10.7 Travel Time Compensation for Approved Offsite Activities
For questions about travel time compensation for approved offsite
activities for hourly/non-exempt Team Members, refer to the Travel Time
Non-Exempt Team Members Policy located on FedEx One in the
Document Center under Policies and Procedures/Human Resources.
3.10.8 Health Club
FedEx Office will reimburse the charges for a health club or exercise
facility while you are staying at a hotel up to $20 per day.
3.10.9 Laundry Expenses
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Laundry and dry cleaning expenses incurred at the hotel for personally
owned items will be reimbursed for trips of more than 5 consecutive
Dry cleaning or laundry expenses incurred once the Team Member
returns home are non-reimbursable.
3.10.10 Lost Luggage
If luggage is lost or damaged on a commercial flight, Team Members
File a claim with the airline prior to leaving the airport.
Obtain a copy of the claim report.
Save airline ticket receipt.
Team members are also covered under the Baggage Insurance Plan
with their FedEx Office Amex/One Card.
Coverage is subject to limitations and exclusions as described in
the card member agreement.
Call American Express at 1-800-645-9700 to obtain a claim form
and instructions.
3.10.11 Tipping
FedEx Office will reimburse reasonable gratuities based on the following
guidelines (i.e. gratuities must not exceed):
Private car service up to 20% of total fare (service fee typically
includes a tipping charge).
Cabs up to 10% (20% for high cost cities) of total fare or
rounded-up to nearest dollar.
Door person - $2.00 for hailing taxi plus tip for help with luggage.
Hotel bellmen - $1.00 per bag.
Housekeeping - $2.00 per day.
Parking - $2.00 for valet parking (valet parking should not be
used unless there is a concern for individual safety or no other
option is available).
Restaurant tip must not exceed 20% of the cost of the meal.
Shuttle drivers - $2.00.
3.11 Expense Report Processing
The following policies and guidelines are expected to be used to document any
out-of-pocket reimbursement of travel and related business expenses:
The IRS requires original documentation and receipts.
Scanned images of original receipts are required for all travel,
entertainment, and business expenses of $10 or more.
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A Missing Receipt Form must be completed for any expenses of $10 or
more without a supporting receipt.
If an expense is out of policy or does not have appropriate supporting
documentation (receipt or Missing Receipt form) then the expense may
not be reimbursed.
For Amex One Card expenses refer to the FXO One Card Program
3.11.1 Reconciliation and Receipt Retention
The PeopleSoft Travel and Expense Center is the reporting system
designed to expedite the expense reporting process.
For business questions regarding travel and expense reporting, please
contact the FedEx Travel & Expense Hotline at 901.757.3290 Option 2.
Team members should adhere to the following action items in the
reconciliation process:
All expenses should be submitted and approved on a weekly or
per trip basis.
Fax or eFax receipts of $10 or more behind the Expense
barcode page that is generated when expenses are submitted.
Only receipts with transactions of $10 or more will require an
attached receipt in PeopleSoft Travel & Expense System.
Have an itemized receipt for every reimbursed expense listed in
PeopleSoft Travel & Expense System with the following
information on it:
o Transaction date
o Line item description and cost
o Sales tax charges and total amount charged
Any exception for payment of charges submitted after 90 days
may require SVP approval.
Retain all expense receipts and records (including receipts under
$10) for 12 months because reports are subject to review if
random audits occur.
o FSO, supervisors, security or internal/external audit
reserves the right to audit expense records at any time.
o Team Members are required to supply requested
documents immediately upon request including any and
all receipts regardless of amount.
o Transaction detail and the submitted receipts will be
retained in PeopleSoft Travel & Expense System for the
timeframe specified in the Record Retention Policy.
3.11.2 Meal Reimbursement Process
For meals greater than $10, a detailed/itemized receipt must be
submitted with the following information:
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Restaurant name
City and state
Purpose of the meal
For non-business meals, IRS rules require that each claim be
substantiated with specific details showing names and titles of guests,
dates, places and business reasons
The options in PeopleSoft are:
Meals Emp Bus & Entertainment
Meals League/Clubs
Meals Mtg-All Employees
Meals Recruiting
Meals Training
Meals - Travel
You must also submit receipts for:
Room service meals
Meals purchased at a lobby bar or hotel restaurant greater than
$10 (even if billed to the room)
3.11.3 Leave of Absence
Team Members are responsible for submission of expenses while on
leave of absence.
If a Team Member is unable to process expenses, arrangements need to
be made with their supervisor to make payment.
3.11.4 Late Fees
Late fees must be paid immediately upon receipt by the Team Member.
If late fees are not paid within 30 days, your supervisor will be notified
and your Amex/One Card will be suspended until all late charges are
paid in-full.
3.11.5 American Express Payment Options
Pay by phone: 1-800-472-9297 or 1-800-528-2122
Mail: American Express
Attn: US Payment FL
PO Box 360001
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33336-0001
3.12 Payment Methods
Team Members must use the FedEx Office Amex/One Card for all expenses.
The card can be used as an alternative method to purchase emergency center
Human Resources
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operating expenses. For more details, go to the FedEx Office One Card Program
Policy located on FedEx One in the Document Center under Policies and
The card is the property of FedEx Office.
The card is not approved for personal expenses.
If used for personal expense, Team Members have 30 days to pay
American Express for the incurred expense and must note this in the
PeopleSoft Travel & Expense System.
3.12.1 Cash Advances
It is FXO policy not to issue cash advances for travel.
3.12.2 Direct Billing
Team Member’s business travel expenses may not be charged directly
to the company, except where prior arrangements have been made by
FXO for training, sales conference or other group travel/expenses.
3.13 Group, Meeting and Training Travel
It is strictly prohibited to commit FXO to group meeting and/or trade show
expenses without first obtaining prior written approval by the FXO Events. All
contracts and agreements must be reviewed and approved by the Event
Department and/or Legal departments.
All group travel is booked through the Global Travel group desk or through an
online registration system. Specific instructions on booking travel will be given to
Team Members participating in meetings, training classes, conferences, etc. will
be sent after each event is approved.
3.13.1 A meeting is constituted as:
Needing 10 or more sleeping rooms per day
Needing a meeting room(s), food and beverage and audio visual
Anytime a contract is required
3.13.2 Group meetings and tradeshow approval processes:
After a meeting or tradeshow has been approved by the Event Team,
contracts and agreements can be signed. It is prohibited to sign an
agreement without prior approval from the Events Team.
3.13.3 Contract signing authority:
Over $100,000
President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Executive Vice-President, Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Senior Vice-President, Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Up to and including $100,000
Senior Vice-President
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Up to and including $50,000
Up to and including $10,000
Managing Director
Country Managing Director - International
Up to and including $5,000
District Manager
Up to and including $1,500
Any Manager or Senior Manager within the company with the
exception of the District Manager
3.14 Personal Travel with Global Travel Vacations
Team members may book personal travel through Global Travel Vacations,
which offers discounted rates on vacation packages.
To access Global Travel Vacations:
Call 1-800-432-2069 between 8:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time,
Monday through Friday.
3.14.1 Hotel Search directory
Helps you locate which hotel out of the over 1500 preferred hotels
worldwide that best meets your travel needs with provides detailed
information about each of our preferred hotels.
To access Hotel Search, go to:
3.15 Summary Reimbursable Charges
The following business expenses are authorized while on company business:
Air travel to company-sponsored meetings, functions, center visits,
supplier visits or other FXO business travel if booked through Global
Travel and approved in advance
Seat change fees
Fees for up to two regular size bags
Vice Presidents and above may fly first class
Airport valet parking for VPs and above
Airline club memberships/dues for VPs and above; approval of
department SVP and above for Team Members
In-fight internet service fees when used for business purposes. Monthly
and yearly subscription fees must be approved by the department MD
prior to registration
Lodging at approved hotel while on company business
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Itemized room charges to include taxes, room service, phone calls, faxes
and mini bar
Fifteen minutes of personal phone calls per business trip per day
Health Club while at hotel up to $20 per day
Hotel laundry and dry cleaning expenses for personally owned items will
be reimbursed for trips of more than 5 consecutive days
A nonmonetary gift not to exceed $75 per trip when staying in a private
residence with family or friends while traveling on company business
Personal gifts for major life events (birth or adoption of a child, marriage,
college or graduate degree, retirement, death) limited to $75 in value
Individual Team Member’s meals while on company travel based on
daily limits
Business related in-town meals for Team Members, customers,
prospects and suppliers
Mileage incurred for business purposes, including traveling to and from
the airport (excluding standard commute miles)
Mileage to company-sponsored events with manager’s approval
Airport parking, including long-term parking or shuttle service, if less
GPS navigation systems for rental car
Car insurance for rental cars for Team Members located outside the U.S.
and Canada when the car is used outside the U.S. and Canada which
includes Puerto Rico.
Parking and toll charges incurred during business travel
Reasonable expenses for office supplies such as printer ink, paper,
pens, stamps, tape, staples and batteries for wireless devices
External encrypted hard drives
Tips and gratuities associated with meals, cab fare and baggage
Professional association dues and other out-of-pocket expenses
associated with job-related professional associations that have been
approved by the Team Member’s approving manager
Postage stamps for business related items when in-house facilities are
not available
3.16 Non-Reimbursable Charges
The following list includes examples of expenses that may not be reimbursed; the
list is not intended to be all-inclusive.
Airline, hotel, rental car or train reservations that are not booked through
Global Travel
Flight insurance
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Upgrades on airline tickets, except for Vice Presidents and above
Seat changes resulting in a higher class of service and segment
Airline club memberships for Team Members, except Vice Presidents
and above
Airfare if a Team Member insists on traveling on a specific airline instead
of using a cheaper fare Airline frequent flyer surcharge fees
Fees for additional baggage (over two) or baggage weighing over 50
Theft, loss or damage to luggage and other personal property
Any additional change fees for personal travel combined with business
Travel expenses for family or significant others, unless communicated in
advance on a company sponsored event
In-flight airline movies, audio and alcohol purchases
In-room movies
Hotel bar charges that do not include a meal
Alcoholic drinks purchased in minibar. Dry cleaning on trips five days or
Normal daily commute
Fines, penalties and traffic tickets imposed for the violation of traffic laws
while operating rented vehicles
Boots and towing of the rental car
Travel insurance or additional insurance purchased on rental cars for use
in the U.S. and Canada
Fuel obtained at a rental car agency, including the pre-purchased fuel
Traffic fines or penalties
Medical insurance coverage and optional collision insurance
Meals purchased before the business trip begins or once the business
trip is completed
Personal items including clothing, toiletries, , shoeshine, shoe repairs,
haircuts shaves, personal reading material or entertainment while
Commuting expenditures incurred during the normal workday
Insurance, repairs, maintenance, car wash or gasoline purchases for
personal vehicles
Alcohol-only expenses
Tobacco products
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Non- business related in-town meals for other Team Members
Personal subscriptions to newspapers, magazines, and trade journals
except when approved by the Team Member’s approving manager
Personal gifts to Team Members unless for a major life event, for which
the gift value limitation is $75
Unauthorized payments to charities, worthy causes or fundraisers
(These need to be approved by the FedEx Office Communications
FedEx shipping charges for personal use, late fees, interest charges or
dues for credit cards
Babysitting, child care fees and kennel costs for dogs and/or other pets
Costs considered to be excessive in relation to the activity concerned
Postage stamps for non-business related items
All advertising and marketing that is not approved by FedEx
Any expenses that have not been listed as reimbursable or covered in
this document
3.17 Business Travel Safety & Security Tips
Always be aware of your surroundings while traveling on a business trip. Contact
your Regional Security & Loss Prevention Manager (RSLPM) or FXO Security if
you have security-related concerns or questions regarding business travel plans.
Listed below are some safety and security tips.
3.17.1 At the Airport
Go to for the latest security information and
items you can/cannot bring on the plane or in checked baggage.
Adhere to all TSA and airport safety instructions.
Test the batteries in your laptop computer prior to your
departure; you may be asked by security to turn on the laptop to
prove that it is what it appears to be.
Tape a business card to the inside of your luggage in case your
luggage tags are separated from your bags.
Do not pack any items of value in checked luggage.
Stay alert and watch your bags and laptop computer carefully at
all times.
Do not let anyone but uniformed airline personnel handle your
Be careful in crowded areas and watch out for staged mishaps,
like someone bumping into you or spilling a drink; often it’s a ploy
to divert your attention.
Remember to pack your corporate credit cards, medical
insurance cards and cash in your carry-on bag.
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Wear shoes that are easy to take on and off during security
Avoid excessive jewelry and metal accessories while traveling.
3.17.2 On the Road
Make sure your rental car is in good operating condition; learn
how to operate all windows, door locks and other equipment
before you leave the rental car facility.
Keep your maps and rental agreement concealed, not lying on
the seat or the dashboard.
Keep your doors locked while you are driving.
Store luggage and computer equipment in the trunk.
Ensure your vehicle is locked whenever it is left unattended.
Park in well-lit areas only, close to building entrances and
Have car keys ready when approaching your car; check the back
seat and floors before you get in.
3.17.3 At the Hotel
Insist that the hotel personnel write down your assigned room
number so others can’t see or hear it.
Keep all hotel doors and windows locked and use all door locks.
Learn the location of fire exits, elevators and public phones in
case of emergency.
Use the safe in your hotel room for valuables, including your
laptop; it is recommended to keep your valuables at home.
Always verify who’s at your door; don’t open the door to
someone you don’t know.
If you lose the plastic key card to your room, insist on a new-
keyed card.
This FedEx Office Travel and Business Expense Policy shall be uniformly applied
at all times. All exceptions to this policy (except for the written exceptions stated in
this policy, if any) shall be documented in accordance with the procedures in effect
at the time the policy exception occurred.
4.0 Accountability
4.1 Human Resources
MD Corporate Communications and Events - Reviews and
updates the policy on an annual basis
4.2 All Departments
4.2.1 Senior Vice President, Vice President and/or Managing Director
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Approves exceptions requests as noted in policy
4.2.2 Team Members
Act appropriately, ethically and professionally at all times in
handling the resources of the company
Be conservative spending and responsible for making sure
expenses comply with this policy
Comply with all company policies, including the FedEx Office
Standards of Conduct and FedEx Code of Business Conduct
and Ethics
Use the American Express/One card for all travel expenses
Book travel in advance to allow for the lowest costs
Book all travel through Global Travel using the online tool,
Cliqbook when applicable
Ensure all receipts exceeding $10 or more are scanned and
attached to the expense report prior to submitting. Failure to
attach a required receipt will delay the processing of an expense
report for reimbursement
5.0 Relevant Reference Documentation
5.1 Related Policies
Reference Link Name
Wireless Policy
Wireless Devices and Services Policy
R&R Policy
Rewards and Recognition Policy
Travel Time Non Exempt
Travel Time Non-Exempt Team Members Policy
One Card Policy
FXO One Card Program Policy
Record Retention Policy
Record Retention Policy
Alcohol Sponsored Events
Alcohol at Company Sponsored Events Policy
5.2 Additional Documentation
FedEx Office Standards of Conduct and FedEx Code of Business
Conduct and Ethics
Center Safety Program Guide - Vehicle Safety Policy
President’s Club Summary Plan Description