King County CARES Act Child Care Financial Assistance Program:
What is the King County CARES Act Child Care Financial Assistance Program?
King County has allocated $2.25 million of its federal CARES Act
funding to support King County families
with the cost of their child care. Eligible families will receive a voucher to pay for their child care at
eligible providers (see below for criteria) for up to four (4) months.
Child Care Resources is administering
the program in partnership with the County.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for the King County Child Care Financial Assistance program, families must meet ALL below
1. Live OR work in King County;
2. Have children needing childcare between the ages of 0-12;
3. Fall below 400% of Federal Poverty Level
Income Guidelines:
Household Size 
Gross Monthly
 $0- $5637
 $0- $7110
4. Answer “yes” to one of the following questions:
o Has your work schedule, income or access to child care been negatively impacted by
o Are you an essential worker (as defined by Governor Inslee’s List
NOTE: Families do NOT need to be currently employed to qualify for this voucher.
How do I apply?
Step One: Complete our application:
Online at:
Text or call the Child Care Aware of Washington Family Center at 1-800-446-1114 to request an
- To complete the application in another language, call 1-800-446-1114 (Monday through
Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm)
- If you have additional questions or need to update any information on your application or
verification documents, please email us at [email protected]g
Step Two: Submit Verification of Income and Residency Eligibility to (pictures
of documents are fine)
Income Verification:
o Please provide two most recent paystubs and/or other proof of income for all adults in
your household (including child support, unemployment insurance, SSI/SSD, etc).
o Feel free to black-out any personally identifying information (SSN, bank account info etc.)
other than full name, employer, employee home address, payment amount and date of
If you have any concerns about verifying your income, please just let us know.
Residency Verification:
If your home address is listed on the paystub, no additional proof of
residency is required;
otherwise, families will need to submit the following to demonstrate
residence in King County. If you are experiencing homelessness or otherwise unable to verify your
home address, please let us know and we will provide alternative means of verification. 
Documentation must be no more than 3 months old, include the name of the applicant, and
cannot be envelopes or personal correspondence.
o Submit ONE from this list:
Utility Bill (Gas, Water/Garbage, Light/Electrical, Cable, Landline phone)
Home/Renter’s Insurance 
Mortgage Document  
o TWO from this list from different sources:  
Insurance document (health, car, etc.) 
Benefits document (DSHS, SSI, paystub, etc.)  
Financial document (Bank Statement, retirement, credit card statement)  
Other bills  
Driver’s License  
Lease or Housing Agency letter
Employer Verification (Only necessary if you do not live in King County):
Must include the name of
the employee and the employer and the physical address of the workplace
. If these things are
included in your income verification documents, there is no need to submit additional
documentation. A picture of one of the following items will suffice:
Work ID badge;
An email from a work email address with name and contact information in the
signature line;
A business card;
Work schedule w/employer visible.
Where can I use my child care voucher?
To be eligible to receive the King County CARES Child Care Financial Assistance voucher, child care
providers must meet the following criteria:
For providers serving children ages 0-6, they must be
o Licensed, in good standing with the State of Washington; and
o Participating in the Early Achievers Program
o A comparable quality accreditation like NAEYC, NAFCC or Montessori.
For providers serving school-age only children, they must be operating legally
What does the voucher pay?
The voucher is a flat rate per month of enrollment depending on the age of the child. If children are
enrolled for part-time care the voucher will be prorated to 50% of the below amounts.
Infant (0 - 11 months)- $2500
Toddler (12 months 29 months)- $2250
Pre-School (30 months Kindergarten)- $2000
School Age (Kindergarten- 12) - $1500
Any amount due over the flat rate will be the responsibility of the family. The provider is not required to
credit King County CCFA payments that are above their normal rates. The voucher will be backdated to
the date of enrollment or September 1
2020 whichever is later and will extend through the end of Dec
2020. If a family enrolls mid-month the rate will be prorated the first month. The provider will be asked
to either reimburse or credit tuition already paid by the family. If applicable, we can also cover four
months of a family’s copayments for Working Connection, the City of Seattle Child Care Assistance
Program (CCAP), Seattle Preschool Program or Seattle Parks and Rec.
We will pay the child care provider
for the committed amount of the voucher, as long as the child attends at least one day during the month
they are enrolled.
If approved, how does billing for the childcare voucher work?
Once you have been approved for the childcare financial assistance, a Payment Authorization will be sent
to you via DocuSign to fill out, date, and sign. Your chosen and approved childcare provider will also have
to fill out their portion on this form. This serves as a contract between Child Care Resources and your
childcare provider. Child Care Resources sends childcare providers enrolled in our subsidy programs a
Payment Request at the end of the month of care, typically the last week of the month. The voucher
amount will be paid directly to your childcare provider, within three weeks after they have returned the
Payment Request to the Child Care Resources Billing Specialist.
What if I need to change providers or no longer need care?
Please email as soon as possible about the change. We will need to know your
last day of care at your previous provider and information about your new provider and start date, if
applicable. If you enroll in another provider the subsidy amount will be prorated depending on
What if I have a question that is not addressed here?
Please email us your question at