CARES Act Program Child Care Facility Health & Safety Grant Application
As a part of the Child Care Health Consultant Network, Child Care Aware of Kansas (CCAKS) will award health
and safety grants to KDHE-licensed child care facilities that meet the eligibility requirements. These grants are
intended to assist facilities with meeting
CDC recommendations for child care to prevent the spread of COVID-
19 and other illnesses.
NOTE: Grant applications will not be accepted until the child care facility completes a
self-assessment in consultation with a Child Care Health Consultant (CCHC). Contact
CCAKS to schedule a virtual or in-person visit with a CCHC.
Call: 855-750-3343 or Email: [email protected]
September 15: Grant Application and Facility Self-Assessment released for facility planning purposes
September 22: Grant Application goes live (consultation must be completed prior to applying)
September 30-November 3: Complete applications reviewed, and grant payments made to child care
facilities (continuing/rolling basis)
November 3: Grant Application deadline (11:59 pm online submission or postmarked by date). Mailed
applications must be received at CCAKS no later than November 6 to be considered.
November 17: Final Grant payments made to child care facilities
December 30: All funds must be spent by child care facilities/grantees
*Technical assistance and coaching regarding the application, policies, practices, and grant expenditures
will be provided to child care facilities throughout the process (September 15-December 30, 2020). To
request assistance, contact CCAKS at 855-750-3343 or [email protected]
Eligibility and Allowable Use Information
Child care programs must be licensed by and in good standing with the Kansas Department of Health
and Environment (KDHE).
Child Care Programs must complete a Self-Assessment and complete a coaching session/consultation
visit (in-person or virtual) with a CCHC from CCAKS. As soon as the consultation is complete, child care
programs should complete the grant application. NOTE: The visit must be completed before a child
care facility can apply for grant funds.
Grant funds must be used for allowable expenses directly related to increasing health and safety to
mitigate COVID-19 and only for those items contained in the approved grant application and budget.
Grant funds must be spent by December 30, 2020 (no exceptions can be made).
Grant Funds Available
A total of $3,700,000 is available to award for child care health and safety grants for allowable
expenses. The typical range of grant awards is estimated to be $1,000 to $3,000, with smaller and larger
grants available, based on documented needs aligned with CDC recommendations for child care.
Complete grant applications from facilities that have completed self-assessments and consultations will
be reviewed on a continuing basis. Timely submission is critical; grant funds are limited.
Consultation with the CCHC will be focused on the Self-Assessment Tool. Grant awards are contingent
on availability of funds.
Funds will not be distributed until final approval of award by CCAKS, KDHE, and the Kansas Office of
Recovery. Every effort will be made to award grants equitably across program types and locations.
Due to the timeframe of this grant process (outlined above), grant requests should be made for
purchases that can be completed/paid by December 30, 2020 (deadline to spend grant funds).
CARES Act Program Child Care Facility Health & Safety Grant Application
Recordkeeping Information
Child care facilities must purchase the items approved in the grant application and budget. Funds
unspent as of December 30
must be returned to the Federal government.
Receipts for all items/expenses paid with grant funds must be submitted to Child Care Aware® of
Kansas. These receipts must be submitted with the Grant Receipt Form. These funds are subject to
state, federal and Child Care Aware® of Kansas audits. The receipts will be maintained by Child Care
Aware® of Kansas for 5 years.
Submission Instructions
Grant Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a continuing basis; early submission is advised.
Grant Applications will not be accepted after November 3, 2020 (11:59 pm online/postmarked date).
Grant Applicants can be submitted through the CCAKS Provider Profile OR via mail. If you are mailing a
completed Grant Application, include all required documentation. Applications must be received at
CCAKS no later than November 6 to be considered (three business days for mailing). Mail to:
Attn: CCHC Child Care Facility Grant
Child Aware of Kansas
PO Box 2294
Salina, KS 67402-2294
If you have any questions or challenges with the application, technical assistance is available by contacting
CCAKS at 855-750-3343 or [email protected].
CARES Act Program Child Care Facility Health & Safety Grant Application
D. BUDGET REQUEST: Please fill in the following chart with items you are requesting. Add additional rows if
NOTE: Documentation (screenshots, images, and/or contractor bids) to support the estimated cost of each item
for which you are requesting grant funds must be included.
Expense/Item Description Cost per Unit # of Units Total
EX: Disposable gloves (box of 100) $26.99 5 $134.95
$ $
$ $
Other (please describe):
Total Grant Request $
Child Care Facility Information
Child Care Facility (as stated on the KDHE license):
Owner/Operator (individual or entity):
Name and Title of Person Completing the Grant Application:
KDHE License Number:
KDHE License Type:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Website (if available):
Number of children currently enrolled in your child care program that are eligible for DCF Child Care
Provide a short description of purchases you will make with grant funds and provide rationale for the requests
based on results from the self-assessment and CCHC visit. Be specific regarding how grant funds will be used to
reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses.
CARES Act Program Child Care Facility Health & Safety Grant Application
Yes No
If YES, please provide details in the table below.
Funder/Funding Source How Were Funds Utilized? Amount Received
Total CARES Act Funding Received (as of the date/time of application) $
NOTE: The authorized person completing the application must read, agree, and sign the statement below for this
to be considered an official application.
Application to CCAKS and acknowledge it may be reviewed and is accessible by the KDHE, the SPARK Task Force,
and Kansas Office of Recovery. I represent that the information and financial data contained herein are true and
correct to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that the following conditions apply to this Application:
Additional information may be requested;
I must contact Child Care Aware of Kansas within 72 hours if my organization received notice of award
from other funders, including but not limited to those supported with CARES Act funds;
I authorize the Kansas Office of Recovery to independently verify any information contained in this
Application; and
Acceptance and consideration of this Application does not constitute commitment for financial assistance
by the State of Kansas.
I assure that I have reviewed the CARES Funding Guidance Requirements
Tribal-Governments.pdf), and this project will be constructed in accordance with the CARES grant program and all
applicable Kansas laws.
I assure that all work performed, and all material furnished for the project shall be in reasonable conformity with
the plans, specifications, and any authorized revisions thereto, which have been approved by Child Care Aware of
Kansas as the Program Administrator.
If the application is approved and funds are awarded, I will provide written assurance that:
1. The information outlined in this application meets qualifications of CARES funding.
2. All revisions and/or deviations from the grant application will be approved by Child Care Aware of Kansas.
3. The applicant agrees to an audit of expenses (if needed), as required by the CARES Act or Kansas Office of
CARES Act Program Child Care Facility Health & Safety Grant Application
program with the agencies listed below for the purpose of supporting child care program needs as a result of the
COVID-19 pandemic. It is further agreed that all identifying information shared among agencies will be held as
confidential, unless otherwise required by law.
Kansas Office of Recovery
Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF)
Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)
Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund (KCCTF)
Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE)
NOTE: Applications must contain all required information. Incomplete applications or those submitted before a
CCHC visit is conducted will not be reviewed. Grant funds cannot be awarded without all information on file.
Check this box to confirm that you have updated your Child Care Provider Profile with CCAKS.
Check this box to confirm that you have completed the Self-Assessment.
Check this box to confirm that you have completed a consultation with a CCHC and reviewed the Self-
Assessment to support the Grant Application requests. Date consultation completed: _____________
Check this box to confirm that you have completed the Budget worksheet and have included
documentation (screenshots, images, and/or contractor bids) to support the estimated cost of each item
for which you are requesting grant funds.
Check this box to confirm that CCAKS has a W-9 and Direct Deposit Form
and a voided check on file OR
that you have completed these additional forms and will submit them with your completed Grant
This project is supported by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment with funding from the Department
of the Treasury (Treasury) Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) Coronavirus Relief Fund, federal funds available
under section 601(d) of the Social Security Act, as added by section 5001 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and
Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”).