Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport has prepared this Emergency Contingency Plan pursuant
to §42301 of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012. Questions regarding this plan can be
directed to Gary Loftus at Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport is
filing this plan with the Department of Transportation because (1) it is a commercial airport or (2) this
airport may be used by an air carrier described in USC 42301(a)(1) for diversions.
This plan describes how, following excessive tarmac delays and to the extent practicable, Lubbock
Preston Smith International Airport will assist airlines to:
• Provide for the deplanement of passengers;
• Provide for the sharing of facilities and make gates available at the airport; and
• Provide a sterile area following excessive tarmac delays for passengers who have not yet cleared
United States Customs & Border Protection (CBP).
For any tarmac delay for scheduled flights or diverted flights the local station manager for that airline
or affiliate airline is the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) and the Lubbock Preston Smith
International Airport will act in a supporting role.
In the event a diverted flight lands that is handled by a scheduled air carrier after that air carrier has
closed for the day the Airport Operations Communication Center will notify the station manager for that
airline immediately so that they may make preparations if needed to recall airline personnel in the event
an extended tarmac delay protocol is implemented.
If a scheduled airline makes an emergency landing after hours the Airport Operations
Communications Center, Airport Operations Manager (or his designee) and the Airport Police
Department will ensure the aircrew’s needs/passenger’s needs and the aircraft’s needs are met by
working with the aircrew and the FBO until airline personnel arrive. The Airport Emergency Plan
(AEP) addresses the airport response protocols for after-hours emergency response.
Airport Information
Name of Airport: Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport
Name and title of person preparing the plan: Gary Loftus, Airport Operations Manager_
Preparer contact number: __806-775-3144__________________
Preparer contact e-mail: ___gloftus@mylubbock.us__________
Date of submission of plan: ____5/7/12_________________________
Airport Category: Small Hub
Plan to Provide for the Deplanement of Passengers Following Excessive Tarmac Delays
Section 1
Scheduled Air Carriers
Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport is served by signatory air carriers operating 24 flights each
day into and out of Lubbock, Texas. It is the responsibility of the air carrier to handle tarmac delays in
accordance with their corporate policies. The Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport will assist
the air carriers when notified that an excessive tarmac delay is imminent. All gates are common-use and
may be used by any carrier. The airport owns nine (9) jet bridges and boarding gates, but, even if an
aircraft is parked on the east end of the air carrier ramp the passengers are within walking distance of
the terminal building. Bathrooms are available in the sterile and non-sterile areas. The airport has one
food court and a Starbucks that provide service during scheduled air-carrier operating hours. With
advanced notice of diverted aircraft the food court remains operational. In addition, there are several
vending machines on both the sterile and public sides throughout the terminal building.
The airport has a 24-hour Communications Center as well as a full-time Police department that are
available, as needed to help ensure passenger safety and security. In the event of a medical emergency
a mutual aid plan is in place with local Emergency Medical Services, the city fire department and
ambulance services.
There are nine (9) boarding gates available for the airlines. It is the airline station manager’s (or their
representative’s) responsibility to park all aircraft, and, if needed, service these aircraft with baggage
loading, unloading, fueling, deplaning and boarding. The gates at Lubbock Preston Smith International
Airport are under common use gate leases permits, or agreements to air carriers and are controlled by
the airport. We direct our common use air carrier users to make gates and other facilities available to an
air carrier seeking to deplane at a gate, to the maximum extent practicable.
The terminal tarmac is designed primarily for use by 737 and regional jet aircraft, however, the ramp
and boarding gates are capable of accommodating a number of larger commercial aircraft. It should be
noted that NO boarding gate jetbridge is designed to accommodate any aircraft larger than a 767. In
the event an aircraft larger than a 767 jet diverts into Lubbock, the airport can secure stairs for Airbus
aircraft from the FedEx cargo facility on-site. There are a limited number of parking spaces available
for large aircraft, all of which require the aircraft to power out of parking. The station manager on
duty for the affected airline will coordinate with Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport personnel
before any gate or alternate parking area is used to ensure continuous operations for other aircraft that
may have to transit the airport. If needed the airline may work with the Fixed Base Operator (FBO) to
obtain the use of stairs, tugs, etc. for
ground servicing of aircraft. Any cost for these items will be the
sole responsibility of the airline.
In the event that a decision is made by the aircrew and airline to de-plane, all passenger deplaning will
be conducted on the terminal ramp. In the event of a national emergency resulting in the grounding of
air traffic and parking away from the terminal ramp, the Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport
has in place a method of transportation to get passengers to the main terminal. The airline will contact
the Airport Operations Communication Center to arrange for this service.
If passengers are brought into the terminal it is the responsibility of the airline to ensure that all
passengers remain in the sterile area or to coordinate with local TSA to ensure screening is possible
for anyone that leaves the sterile area. It should be noted that although the runway and the terminal
building never close TSA is NOT manned 24 hours a day. Airline station managers should
coordinate with TSA before allowing any passengers to leave the sterile portion of the terminal. If a
problem arises after hours the Airport Operations Communications Center maintains a telephone list
to put the airlines in touch with local TSA.
Section 2
International Flights
Although no international flights depart or arrive at Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport the
possibility of one diverting to Lubbock exists. In the event this occurs the airport will make available an
area (it may be a cordoned-off boarding gate area or even a hangar) for passengers to wait for US Customs
Officials in a sterile, secure environment. It remains the airline’s responsibility to keep these passengers
separate from other passengers until they re-board or until US Customs Officials can clear the
passengers. The nearest US Customs Office is located on the airport property and is a minimum (1 FTE)
capacity facility. US Customs has an emergency plan in place and in the event an international flight is
diverted to Lubbock, all processing and security of passengers will be under the jurisdiction of US
Customs upon their on-scene arrival. However, all airlines should consider having international aircraft
divert to an airport that regularly processes international flights.
Plan to Provide for the Sharing of Facilities and Make Gates Available in an Emergency
Section 1
Non-Scheduled Air Carriers
In the event a non-scheduled air carrier diverts to Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport the Air
Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) will notify the Airport Operations Communications Center of the
arriving aircraft and the aircraft will be directed to appropriate parking at one of two Fixed Based
Operator (FBO) Facilities. The FBO will park the aircraft and, if asked by the crew, service the
aircraft as needed (all costs are to the airline). The Airport Operations Communications Center will
notify the Airport Operations Manager (or his designee) of the diversion.
If the aircrew of the diverted flight determines that passengers need to be deplaned then the aircrew
will alert either the ATCT or the FBO who will then notify the .Airport Operations Communications
Center. Passengers will remain within the sterile concourse until the aircrew determines the best course
of action.
The Airport Police Department, in conjunction with the airline, will ensure passengers remain on the
sterile side of the terminal until TSA has been contacted and approves these passengers to be re-
screened. Should a passenger demand to be allowed to leave the sterile side of the terminal it is the
policy of the Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport to NOT interfere or deny this request.
However, if a passenger chooses to leave the sterile side of the terminal, the passenger will be informed
that they might not be able to re-enter the sterile side of the terminal and they will be informed that it is
the passenger’s responsibility to talk with the airline in order to arrange for rescreening.
The Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport maintains a current list (Airport Operations
Communications Center) of local hotels, motels, charter bus service, etc. that can be used by the airlines
to help accommodate passengers in the event the airlines determine it is needed. Any and all
costs/expenses associated with this event remain with the airline.
The airport has a 24-hour Communications Center as well as a full-time Police department that are available,
as needed to help ensure passenger safety and security. In the event of a medical emergency a mutual aid
plan is in place with local Emergency Medical Services, the city fire department and ambulance services.
Section 2
International Flights
Although no international flights depart or arrive at Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport the
possibility of one diverting to Lubbock exists. In the event this occurs the airport will make available an
area (it may be a cordoned-off boarding gate area or even a hangar) for passengers to wait for US Customs
Officials in a sterile, secure environment. It remains the airline’s responsibility to keep these passengers
separate from other passengers until they re-board or until US Customs Officials can clear the
passengers. The nearest US Customs Office is located on the airport property and is a minimum (1 FTE)
capacity facility. US Customs has an emergency plan in place and in the event an international flight is
diverted to Lubbock, all processing and security of passengers will be under the jurisdiction of US
Customs upon their on-scene arrival. However, all airlines should consider having international aircraft
divert to an airport that regularly processes international flights.
Plan to Provide a Sterile Area for Passengers Who Have Not Cleared United States Customs
and Border Protection
Although no international flights depart or arrive at Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport the
possibility of one diverting to Lubbock exists. In the event this occurs the airport will make available an
area (it may be a cordoned-off boarding gate area or even a hangar) for passengers to wait for US Customs
Officials in a sterile, secure environment.
US Customs has an emergency plan in place and in the event an international flight is diverted to
Lubbock, all processing and security of passengers will be under the jurisdiction of US Customs upon
their on-scene arrival. However, all airlines should consider having international aircraft divert to an
airport that regularly processes international flights.