Overview of Potential Incentives for
Chicago Relocations and Expansions
WBC assists businesses with all aspects of
location, expansion and retention support,
including site selection and government relations,
and promotes Chicago’s talent, technology,
infrastructure, housing, and cultural resources to
companies across the nation and globe.
Disclaimer: All financial incentive packages are subject to application review and
approval by the applicable government agency (Federal Government, State of
Illinois, Cook County or City of Chicago), and incentives must be agreed to prior to
project commencement or lease signings. Please contact World Business
Chicago for more information. This is an overview of major programs available;
some others may also be applicable.
Table of Contents
City of Chicago Incentives
Cook County Incentives
State of Illinois Incentives
Federal Incentives
Additional Incentives
Page Number:
4 - 5
6 - 8
9 - 13
14 - 15
16 - 17
City of Chicago Incentives
City of Chicago Incentives
City of
Financial Tools That Are Available:
1.) Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
2.) Small Business Improvement Fund (SBIF)
3.) Industrial Development Bonds
4.) Small Business Loan Program
Chicago Incentives
Program Description Type
Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
TIF is a special funding tool used by the City of Chicago to promote public and private investment across
the city. Funds are generated by growth in the Equalized Assessed Valuation (EAV) of properties within a
designated district over a 23-year period.
Small Business Improvement Fund
The Small Business Improvement Fund (SBIF) provides grant funding for permanent building improvements
and repairs across the city. Offered to tenants and owners of industrial and commercial properties, SBIF
grants are funded by TIF revenues in designated TIF districts citywide. The grant can cover between 30 to
90% of the cost of remodeling work, with a maximum grant of $150,000 for commercial properties and
$250,000 for industrial properties. Offered on an area rotation basis.
Industrial Development Revenue Bonds
The City of Chicago issues tax-exempt Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (IDBs) and lends their
proceeds to manufacturing companies to finance qualified development projects. IDB proceeds may also be
used for either new construction or renovation. Tax-exempt bond financing offers long-term financing at
rates lower than conventional financing. Bond proceeds are limited to facilities that are primarily used to
manufacture or process tangible products or The acquisition of fixed assets such as land, buildings and
Low Cost Financing
Small Business Loan Program
Small business loans up to $250,000 are available through a partnership between the City of Chicago
Treasurer’s Office and community-based lenders. The program targets a variety of small and high-growth
companies that can utilize loan proceeds for equipment purchases, working capital, inventory, leasehold
improvements, expansion, contract purchase-order financing, and other uses.
City of Chicago Incentives
City of Chicago Incentives
City of Chicago Incentives
Cook County
Financial Tools That Are Available:
1.) Class 6(b) Property Tax Incentive
2.) Class 7(a) Property Tax Incentive
3.) Class 7(b) Property Tax Incentive
4.) Class 7(c) Property Tax Incentive
5.) Class 8 Property Tax Incentive
6.) Class C Property Tax Incentive
Chicago Incentives
Program Description Type
Class 6(b) Tax Incentive
The Class 6B classification is designed to encourage industrial development throughout
Cook County by offering a real estate tax incentive for the development of new
industrial facilities, the rehabilitation of existing industrial structures, and the industrial
reutilization of abandoned buildings.
Property Tax Abatement
Class 7(a) Tax Incentive
The Class 7(a) programs offer real estate tax incentives for commercial projects in a
Redevelopment Area, Empowerment or Federal Enterprise Zone. Qualifying properties
can receive a 12-year reduction in real estate assessments from the standard Cook
County commercial rate of 25%. Qualifying properties are assessed at 10% for the first
10 years, 15% for the 11th year, and 20% for the 12th year. These projects have total
development costs, exclusive of land, that do not exceed $2M and would not be
economically feasible without the incentive.
Property Tax Abatement
Class 7(b) Tax Incentive
The Class 7(b) programs offer real estate tax incentives for commercial projects in a
Redevelopment Area, Empowerment or Federal Enterprise Zone. Qualifying properties
can receive a 12-year reduction in real estate assessments from the standard Cook
County commercial rate of 25%. Qualifying properties are assessed at 10% for the first
10 years, 15% for the 11th year, and 20% for the 12th year. These projects have total
development costs, exclusive of land, that exceed $2M and would not be economically
feasible without the incentive.
Property Tax Abatement
Cook County Incentives
Program Description Type
Class 7(c) Tax Incentive
The Class 7(c) Commercial Urban Eligibility (CURE) program offers real estate tax
incentives for commercial properties regardless of where they are located. Qualifying
properties can receive a five-year reduction in real estate assessments from the
standard Cook County commercial rate of 25% with no minimum investment
required. Qualified properties are assessed at 10% for the first three years, 15% for
the fourth year, and 20 percent for the fifth year. Properties must involve new
construction, substantial rehabilitation, or re-occupancy of abandoned commercial
Property Tax Abatement
Class 8 Tax Incentive
The Class 8 program offers reduced Cook County property tax rates on commercial
and industrial projects in areas experiencing severe economic depression. Qualifying
properties can receive a 12-year reduction in real estate assessments from the
standard Cook County rate of 25%. Reduced rates are the same as the 6(b).
Property Tax Abatement
Class C Tax Incentive
The Class C program offers reduced Cook County property tax rates on commercial
and industrial properties, including abandoned property or vacant land, that have
substantial environmental contamination. Rates are the same as the 6(b).
Remediation costs must exceed $100,000 or 25% of the property market value in the
prior year.
Property Tax Abatement
Cook County Incentives
City of Chicago Incentives
City of Chicago Incentives
State of
Financial Tools That Are Available:
1.) Illinois EDGE
2.) R&D Tax Credit
3.) Enterprise Zone
4.) EDGE Adjustments for Startups
5.) Reimagining Electric Vehicles (REV)
Illinois Program
6.) Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging
Station Rebate
7.) High Impact Business Program (HIB)
8.) Film Production Tax Credit
9.) Advantage Illinois
10.) Illinois Small Business Innovation
Research (SBIR) and Small Business
Technology Transfer (STTR)
Matching Funds Program
11.) Business Attraction Prime Sites
12.) Tax Incentives for Data Centers
Chicago Incentives
Program Description Type
Illinois EDGE Illinois’ EDGE program provides annual corporate tax credits to qualifying businesses which
support job creation, capital investment and improve the standard of living for all Illinois
Income Tax Credit
R&D Tax Credit A 6.5% credit against Illinois corporate income tax for spending on qualifying research
activities in Illinois (the baseline is a 3-year average of R&D investment in Illinois).
Income Tax Credit
Enterprise Zone A specific area designated by the State of Illinois in cooperation with a local government to
receive various tax incentives and other benefits to stimulate economic activity and
neighborhood revitalization.
Sales Tax
Abatement; Income
Tax Credit
State of Illinois Incentives
Program Description Type
EDGE Adjustments for Startups Designed to offer a special tax incentive to encourage businesses to locate or expand
operations in Illinois. The program can provide tax credits to qualifying businesses
equal to a portion of the amount of state income taxes withheld from the salaries of
employees in the newly created jobs. This incentive is applicable for startups that are
less than 5 years old.
Tax Credits
Reimagining Electric Vehicles
(REV) Illinois Program
REV Illinois offers competitive incentives to expand in or relocate to Illinois for
companies that manufacture EVs and EV parts (batteries, cathodes, anodes) as well as
EV charging stations. EV focused companies may qualify for exemptions on income tax
withholding, utilities tax, training, and equipment/capital costs.
Tax Credits
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging
Station Rebate
Installation and maintenance of Level 1 and 2 charging stations are eligible to receive a
rebate of up to 80% of the eligible project costs. Additional rebates are available for EV
charging stations deployed in underserved and environmental justice communities.
State of Illinois Incentives
Program Description Type
High Impact Business Program
The program supports large-scale economic development activities by providing
investment tax credits, state sales tax exemption on building materials and/or
utilities, state sales tax exemption on purchases of personal property used or
consumed in the manufacturing process or in the operation of a pollution control
facility to companies that make substantial capital investments in operations and
create or retain an above average number of jobs.
Tax Credits
Film Production Tax Credit A credit of 30% of all qualified expenditures, including post-production. Applicants will
receive an additional 15% tax credit on salaries paid to individuals (earning at least
$1,000 in total wages) who live in economically disadvantaged areas whose
unemployment rate is at least 150% of the State’s annual average.
Tax Credits
Advantage Illinois Advantage Illinois will accelerate investments and ease the credit crunch for small
businesses, thanks to more than $78 million from the federal State Small Business
Credit Initiative (SSBCI) of the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010.
Low Cost Financing
State of Illinois Incentives
Program Description Type
Illinois Small Business Innovation
Research (SBIR) and Small
Business Technology Transfer
(STTR) Matching Funds Program
The Illinois SBIR/STTR Matching Funds Program will provide a state match of 50
percent, up to $50,000, for qualifying Illinois companies who receive a Phase I
SBIR/STTR grant award.
Business Attraction Prime Sites The Business Attraction Prime Sites Capital Grant Program assists companies with
large-scale capital investment projects that commit to significant job creation for Illinois
residents as they relocate or expand operations within Illinois. Prime Sites grants can
encompass a wide range of economic development projects that will result in job
creation in the state of Illinois.
Tax Incentives for Qualifying
Illinois Data Centers
Illinois Public Act (P.A.) 101-0031 allows qualifying Illinois data centers to claim certain
tax incentives from Illinois sales and use tax and Illinois income tax. New and existing
data centers seeking these tax incentives must first apply to the Department of
Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO).
Tax Credits
State of Illinois Incentives
City of Chicago Incentives
City of Chicago Incentives
Financial Tools That Are Available:
1.) Opportunity Zones
2.) HubZones
3.) Empowerment Zones
4.) New Market Tax Credit (NMTC)
Chicago Incentives
Program Description Type
Opportunity Zones Federal legislation designed to incentivize investors to convert unrealized capital
gains on investments into long-term investments in lower income areas.
Opportunity Zones are located across the country; Chicago has 135 qualified OZs
primarily on the South and West sides.
Capital Gains Tax
HubZones The HUBZone program fuels small business growth in historically underutilized
business zones with a goal of awarding at least 3% of federal contract dollars to
HUBZone-certified companies each year.
Preferential Contracting
Empowerment Zones The Empowerment Zone (EZ) program offers special financing and tax incentives
for qualified businesses in order to stimulate private investment and create jobs
within designated communities.
Tax Credits
New Market Tax Credit (NMTC) Provides below-market-rate equity or debt capital to qualifying businesses. A
qualifying business must meet several tests confirming that the majority of its
activities take place in, or that it serves primarily residents of, a Low-Income
Low Cost Financing
Federal Incentives
City of Chicago Incentives
City of Chicago Incentives
Financial Tools That Are Available:
1.) Line Extension Credits (Rider DE program)
2.) Solar Energy Rebates
3.) Energy Efficiency Incentives/Rebates
4.) Commercial and Industrial Program - Peoples Gas
5.) Small and Midsize Business Program - Peoples Gas
Chicago Incentives
Program Description Type
Line Extension Credits (Rider DE
ComEd offers credits against the costs of off-property line extensions needed for new
facilities equal to 5 years of the new expected delivery revenue which can represent
millions of dollars.
Cost Credit
Solar Energy Rebates ComEd offers rebates of $250/kW for the installation of onsite solar energy up to
$500,000 maximum.
Energy Efficiency
ComEd offers an extensive portfolio of programs to help businesses meet
environmental and sustainability goals while lowering their consumption and costs.
There is a $2M cap per location per year.
Commercial and Industrial
Program - Peoples Gas
The Commercial and Industrial Program provides energy efficiency rebates, resources,
expert support and project management for customers. No matter your type of
operation, the program team can help your business reduce its energy use. Our team
can identify energy-saving opportunities customized for your business.
Small and Midsize Business
Program - Peoples Gas
The Small and Midsize Business Program provides free energy-saving products,
assessments and rebates on energy upgrades. Reduce your operating costs and
reinvest those dollars back into your business.
Additional Incentives